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解读关税新政引发全球市场谨慎情绪|GTC首席分析师再次做客France 24

所属分类:公司资讯 发布时间:2025-02-24 17:43 点击量:

解读关税新政引发全球市场谨慎情绪|GTC首席分析师再次做客France 24

France 24 独家专访「GTC泽汇」首席分析师Jameel Ahmad解读全球市场概况:特朗普新政对全球钢铝加征25%关税,韩国、越南等经济体承压,市场连续三周谨慎。美新增就业14.3万低于预期,失业率4%维稳,美联储政策预期未变。本周聚焦欧盟GDP、美零售数据及鲍威尔听证,关税或推升通胀并重构供应链。

France 24: So for tariffs global markets react to the latest threats from US President Donald Trump who said he would apply a 25% tax on all Steel and aluminium imports from all countries to the United States his increase on charges on products from China and Beijing's Retaliation to that also being felt well to tell us more We're joined by chief market analyst at GTC Jameel Ahmad. Hi Jameel, on the back of Trump's tariffs What's the global markets overview right now?

France 24:当前全球市场正对特朗普总统最新关税威胁作出反应。特朗普宣布将对所有国家输美钢铁和铝材加征25%关税,此前针对中国商品的加税措施及北京方面的反制已引发连锁效应。我们连线GTC首席市场分析师Jameel Ahmad。Jameel,在特朗普关税政策背景下,当前全球市场全景如何?

GTC Group: Well, we're seeing caution that's because for the third Monday in a row we're seeing more weaponization and threats of Additional tariffs, of course, that's supposedly the favorite word in the dictionary according to the new president And it does appear to be the case because we've seen over the weekend more threats of tariffs Aluminium products over 25% have that is expected to see more details later today That could impact economies stretching from South Korea, Vietnam, Canada, Mexico and we're expecting to see more news as well later this week regarding something that was indicated to be reciprocal tariffs essentially that means that if a Country or an economy has tariffs or some sort of taxes on the United States Later this week will see more details on how the United States is going to impose tariffs or taxes On such products, so we're expecting to see more News throughout this week and it's going to remain a theme as it has done for the past month.


France 24: Meanwhile the US monthly jobs report to being published. What's the outlook?

France 24:即将公布的美国月度就业报告前景如何?

GTC Group: So the United States added 143,000 jobs to his economy over the previous month slightly below expectations, which are roughly around 170,000 however, the unemployment rates held flats at 4% Because of this we saw quite a muted reaction across global financial markets that could be because investors are looking at the tariff news however, it's also likely to be the case that investors are looking at the unemployment data and Thinking that this doesn't really change the outlook for the US Federal Reserve when it comes to US interest rates And that's mainly because that the Fed will not have to panic either way based on the unemployment rate remaining steady.


France 24: And as it is Monday, Jameel, other key economic data to look out for this week.

France 24:作为周初节点,本周还有哪些关键经济数据值得关注?

GTC Group: We have a number of different economic data releases. We're not only going to be watching the news supply when it comes to the Tariffs, we've got earnings from the likes of McDonald's. We're expecting to have a preliminary EU GDP data reading later this week US retail sales US inflation and later today We are expected to hear from US Fed chair John Powell who would give his first day Testimony to Congress where he might be pushed on the outlook of what trade tariffs might have on the US economy He might also be pushed for more clarity and clarification on where US interest rates could be headed in 2025 so overall I expect a lot of headlines this week and sentiment is likely to therefore drive investor behavior.

GTC泽汇:除关税消息外,本周将迎来系列重要数据:麦当劳等企业财报、欧盟GDP初值、美国零售销售及通胀数据。今日市场焦点是美联储主席John Powell的国会听证首秀,议员或重点质询关税政策对美国经济影响,同时要求其明确2025年利率路径预期。总体而言,本周市场情绪将受密集头条新闻驱动,进而影响投资者行为。

France 24: Jameel Ahmad of GTC, Thanks very much indeed.


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